Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is a toast, to all of us out there welcoming the changing of the seasons.  We don't make plans unless they involve climbing and priorities suddenly shift like nothing else matters.  The temperature is falling, leaves are changing, and the rocks, oh man, the rocks are getting crisp.  I can't say that I enjoy any one time of year more than the Fall.  Everyday I go out seems like it's the best day I've ever had.  Projects from the previous season and new ones alike go down in flames.  Let's here it for sending.  WOOOOO!!!!!!!!  

So I went out to Foster Falls today with Mark Williams and his friend Nicole.  The agenda for the day was to do some serious rock climbing, concentrated efforts. I had previously sent The Big Empty (YAY!!!) and shifted my focus to a pretty sick route called Kill or be Killed.  My initial efforts on the route were a little deflating, but I was psyched to put in the time today to work this thing out.  So, the first go I did some beta refining and made a good link.  My second go was a completely different story.  After blasting off some Snoop Dogg from the sit down rest, I cruised through the first crux lock off, feeling good moving on to the next crux, still moving and then.......PUNT!   Damn!  I should have sent.  I was looking at the jug that starts the 5.10 two bolt finish.  The next go I was obviously tired, resulting in two easy one hangs for the day.  To me this represents a monumental breakthrough in my climbing.  Damn life is good.

I'll be at the HP40 Triple Crown event this weekend.  I leave Wednesday to set up the Evolv and Sterling booths in preparation for a kick ass party.

Hope to see you all there.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Best Week Ever

Yep.  Last week was absolutely amazing.  I love being able to say that too without even leaving my home town. To start things off my birthday was Sunday, 10/10/10!!!  I knew it was going to be the birthday of the millennium.  I guess you could say that the celebration started on Friday when Trevor and I went to this place on the cumberland trail for a morning session.  Not too much happened.  We both wanted to get out before working the River Rocks event at Urban Rocks.  Anyway, I got super close to sending the Deep Show .13a and the event was really cool too.  Check the Facebook page for pics and write up.

Saturday,  the Escandons and I went to Dayton, which was my third or forth trip to the area this season.  Everyone was stoked on one thing, climbing.  The energy that was shared, brought through the laughter and successes of our existence under this massive roof is what made this particular day special.  On top of how much fun it was, I was able to do First Blood V9 on my first try.  I had tried it 2 other days and had some beta blocks, which was very frustrating.  The others invested their energy into attempts on Contra V6.  Anthony E. came ridiculously close at least 5 times.  Next time for sure.

Recently, I've been climbing with a lot of different people.  This always brings new energy and shared psych. I find it refreshing and invigorating to my senses and mentality towards each attempt.   It lifts the weight of frustration.  It's all for fun, no pressure.

Pics from the day.

Sunday rolled around too soon after our night on the town.  Trevor, my homie/roommate, was stoked for the cumberland trail climbing again and so was I.  We had intentions of warming up slow on two new 5.11's we'd heard about, but that didn't happen.  PSYCH TOOK ME OVER!  I had to hang the draws anyway.  So I gave it my all on the first climb of the day and almost did The Deep Show .13a with Warren's left hand beta on the fly. Good stuff.  Thanks Warren.  I sent in the next two goes.  Trevor got to the top of The Ear for the first time. I think he one hung it while hanging the draws. Sick.  With the main objective completed, I was excited to go for an onsight burn of Strutter .12b.  This crag is sooooo good for onsight climbing and overhanging .12's.  Love it.  The onsight was truly epic.  I can't even tell you how long it took.  I know that it got dark while I was cleaning it.  Endurance........check.  

So, Tuesday shows it's face and I started the day setting some boulder problems at the gym. Monday was supposed to be a rest day, but I ended up climbing some with Kit, Alli, and Amanda before yoga.  So, still riding the high from the success of previous sends and early attempts on Honeycomb V9/10, I set out for Dayton that afternoon and sent first try.  BOOM!   Now what?  I left.  Round trip, from my house and back to the gym, was less than three hours.   Word.   

All is good in tha HoOd.  


Monday, October 4, 2010

Beefcake Pantyhose

And it's about damn time.  I was getting fed up with battling the 90+ degree temps all the way through September.  The leaves had changed a little, but that was only because they were dying from this heinous heat and drought.  However, last weeks rain brought what we had all been anticipating so anxiously, FALL!

What better way is there to start the season off with a trip to Boone, NC for the first leg of the Triple Crown?  The Hound Ears comp is always a blast as the venue, environment, and people are just out of my atmosphere, making it feel like a vacation.  I think this applies to everyone though, respectively, as the venue changes.  That is what keeps the energy of the series alive and makes these events special.


The weather was absolutely beautiful Friday and Saturday.   Beautiful, yes.  Primo, NO!  Saturday was a hard day to rock climb.  I'm not sure what it was, but everyone seemed to agree that it was not a good day. Rock climbing was HARD!  The high was around 65 degrees, which is not bad, but it sure isn't good.  After five or so people had groped your crux hold, shit was wet.  This was usually all while they (gropers) were carrying on a conversation as the line for the next attempt grew.  Due to this, I personally am DONE climbing during the comp, it's not my thing, climbing at the pace of the session on whatever problem.  I like to sit down and hang out with each climb.  I like the serenity of nature and quiet thought.  Most importantly, I like the experience and aura that each problem emits.  This is why I climb.

Mtn. man Nate Hefner

Competitors on the other hand are PSYCHED!  While this year's comp was on a hard day for climbing, that didn't stop people from sending.  For example, Brad Weaver did Random Man V11 as other men in the open field had trouble repeating.  Jimmy and Brion both did new problems this year too, as they climbed Wet Dream V9 and The Jerk V8.  It's always good to see these guys doing new problems in their circuit.  Comp day is probably getting boring as they drive 5 hours to do the same problems they did last year.  Yuk!  This is why I think it's safe to say that Brion and Jimmy will bow out of next year's Triple Crown.

On another note, October is goin to be F'n sweet!  Here's my schedule of events to attend.

10/1 - 10/10  River Rocks Chattanooga is a week long event celebrating all of Tennessee Valley's outdoor lifestyles and environmental conservation and stewardship.

10/8 - 10/10 Roctoberfest at the Red River Gorge.

10/22 Boulderave at Urban Rocks Gym

10/30 Reel Rock Film Tour at First Avenue Rocks

October will kick some ass.
