Monday, December 27, 2010

Photo Reel

Let me express how psyched I am on my new camera by posting yet another batch from the last few days.

I'm gonna get some video footage out soon.  FULL 1080 HD!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Here are some pics from around the house.  The whole family came over!

Merry Christmas yall.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Video Urpdate

Here's a quickie of Tractor Traylor at Rocktown, GA.  This roof problem is perfectly sustained all the way to the finish now with the rest jug at the lip having broken off.  What's left is a slopey edge/pinch left hand and forces you to use some other juicy holds to add some spice.   I like.  I was really surprised to knock this one out in one session.

Also, I got my camera today!!!!  Expect to be entertained by yours truly and my media supply.  PSYCHED!!!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

High highs and LOW lows

What is it about the energy of the universe that takes us on this ride of ups and downs, round and rounds, and all the other motions of a roller coaster?  I understand the changing of the tides and the seasons too. But this cycle shows no pattern or is far too complex in physiological processes for me to understand.  At times I find myself climbing better than ever for weeks, no, what the hell, months at a time here recently, and now I find myself bewildered and simply shutdown.  The feeling is numbing, to spend so much time and energy freezing your ass off.  For what?  I just spent four hours in the woods trying to climb a 10 ft. section on a freackin rock!  All in the name of  chasing the send.  Days like these are very deflating and leave me feeling quite unaccomplished.  Am I totally WreCkEd?  Burnt out? Am I trying too hard?  Thinking too much?  No, that's why I can climb at my current level.  I like to climb well and perfect the moves paying close attention to every detail and sequence giving purpose to each attempt.  Ok.  What else?  Well, I did do the Cleo-Cindy trav. pretty quickly the other day.  Cool, but this is a boulder I am very familiar with and it was like 28 degrees outside.  Maybe it's all this damn bouldering!  It seems to me like I was in better form when I was climbing a nice ratio of routes and boulders week by week.  Maybe I need a change of scenery.  Last I heard, we have a crew going to Rocktown tomorrow.  I already feel refreshed not having to go back to LRC to try my projects and with Christmas coming up very soon now I look forward to a trip home to visit my family for a Christams Vacation if you will.

On another note, I think I've been sick for the last three days or so and failed to admit it.  Today I am accepting it as a fact.  So, I'm staying inside cleaning and making a pot of chili.  BOOM!  It's sooo good too.  Not much else has been going on.  I have a new camera on the way that I am VERY excited for and will have lots of pictures and videos to show from it.

Stay tuned.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

That's all folks

As sad as I am that the weekend finale of the 2010 Triple Crown Bouldering Series is over, I am also very glad.  One more day of friends, perma-smile, and climbing banter would have fried my brain like an egg.  My throat had become scratchy from the continuous laughter and talking with friends and my perma-smile resulted in jaws and cheeks that are now sore.

Kelly Bussell photo

 The Triple Crown is MUCH more than an outdoor bouldering series.  It is multi-faceted party/gathering that serves as a fund-raiser (on steroids), gear demo, and finally a competition.  At each of the three comps thousands of dollars are raised for the CCC and SCC that will secure access to yet another crag.  We at the Evolv booth also raised a few hundred dollars for the CCC and SCC from donations in exchange for a Friksn/Metolius cup.  Pretty cool.  The event is sponsored by more companies than I can begin to list here.  Drawing the crowd that it does, usually 400+ attendants, the Triple Crown is ideal for sponsors to showcase new gear as the demos and displays allow us an opportunity to touch and test the newest items on the market  As for the comp, it is constantly evolving.  Each year new sponsors come on board and new categories are added to entertain those who need a reason to go send some new problems.  For example, the Premium Blend category is a race(?) to complete a selected hand full of problems that are generally UBER classics of the boulderfield.  Aside from the comp itself evolving, so too is the party.  At this years finale the entertainment was turned up to 11!!!  The disco lit gym was at capacity as Kurt Smith banged out the jams while Chad Wykle and Jim Horton MC'd the pad stacking and speed climbing comps.  BOOM!!!!  Rumor has it that next years event will go off EVEN BIGGER!  Be psyched.  I was once worried about the longevity of the Triple Crown. Yet, I worry no more.

Kelly Bussell photo
Kelly Bussell photo

Huge props to my man Kelly for letting me use his really nice pictures.  I had this post written last week but was kinda waiting around hoping to get my hands on some visual stimulation. 

Until next time. 
