Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hyper Tension

If your wondering why I haven't posted a video in a long time, it's because I had some sort of master plan to put together a 30min vid.  Well, that didn't happen.  So, here is what I ended up with....Big thanks to Brandon Campbell for taking my camera and capturing the stellar Shield footage.

Hope you enjoyed it.


Monday, August 13, 2012

OR Trip

OK!  OR is done and now I am at the regional show in Greenville, SC.  Over the last two weeks I have been home for 2 days.  August is a busy time for the outdoor industry.  Reps especially.  My trip to SLC, UT started off at The New River Gorge, WV where I met up with Kurt Smith for some WV fun.  To my very grateful surprise, two of my good homies Zak Roper and Ryan Scurfield scooped me up and took me climbing.....AT THE CIRQUE!  We three tried Freedom Tree .13d over and over getting higher and higher with each attempt.  Scurvy almost sent!  Huge thanks to those guys.

Going for a ride to the new AAC campground

Zak Roper and his gnarly chainsaw wound

The next day we were off to the mormon state.  What followed was a whirlwind of meetings and partying with all your friends you don't get to see but twice a year.

Our morning stop coffee shop has a ridiculous latin art gallery.  

Evolv Cruzers
Evolv Astroman
Metolius Gatekeeper
Metolius Bravo Quickdraw
Bravo Wiregate
Salewa hosted a fundraiser and raffle party for the AMGA at the booth.  Grand prize winners won a trip up the Grand Tetons and an AMGA course.  StOkEd on this brand!

Salewa N. American Pres. Chris Sword donating to the AMGA
Salewa AMGA fundraiser party

Salewa Director of Sales Jim Lamancusa giving out prizes
Hende call'n it like he sees it 

Hende and one of the grand prize winners

Kurt with the belly dancer

Sterling's AAC/Access Fund rope

Kurt getting schooled on HRT handholds

That's a wrap yo!