Saturday, the Escandons and I went to Dayton, which was my third or forth trip to the area this season. Everyone was stoked on one thing, climbing. The energy that was shared, brought through the laughter and successes of our existence under this massive roof is what made this particular day special. On top of how much fun it was, I was able to do First Blood V9 on my first try. I had tried it 2 other days and had some beta blocks, which was very frustrating. The others invested their energy into attempts on Contra V6. Anthony E. came ridiculously close at least 5 times. Next time for sure.
Recently, I've been climbing with a lot of different people. This always brings new energy and shared psych. I find it refreshing and invigorating to my senses and mentality towards each attempt. It lifts the weight of frustration. It's all for fun, no pressure.
Pics from the day.
Sunday rolled around too soon after our night on the town. Trevor, my homie/roommate, was stoked for the cumberland trail climbing again and so was I. We had intentions of warming up slow on two new 5.11's we'd heard about, but that didn't happen. PSYCH TOOK ME OVER! I had to hang the draws anyway. So I gave it my all on the first climb of the day and almost did The Deep Show .13a with Warren's left hand beta on the fly. Good stuff. Thanks Warren. I sent in the next two goes. Trevor got to the top of The Ear for the first time. I think he one hung it while hanging the draws. Sick. With the main objective completed, I was excited to go for an onsight burn of Strutter .12b. This crag is sooooo good for onsight climbing and overhanging .12's. Love it. The onsight was truly epic. I can't even tell you how long it took. I know that it got dark while I was cleaning it. Endurance........check.
So, Tuesday shows it's face and I started the day setting some boulder problems at the gym. Monday was supposed to be a rest day, but I ended up climbing some with Kit, Alli, and Amanda before yoga. So, still riding the high from the success of previous sends and early attempts on Honeycomb V9/10, I set out for Dayton that afternoon and sent first try. BOOM! Now what? I left. Round trip, from my house and back to the gym, was less than three hours. Word.
All is good in tha HoOd.
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