Sunday, December 23, 2012

Alabama Crag

This post is all about the insane cliffs not too far from Chattanooga.  Crowning the valley and forming the coves is an unrivaled amount of hard routes on the tallest walls in the area.  The approach is 2 miles of deep ruts and ponds that only the burliest vehicles can pass followed by a 30 minute hike.  Gnar.   After that awaits a vertical encounter that you must prepare a way in and out of the gorge for yourself.  This area is NOT for the casual cragger.  With that being said, I won't mention where this cliff is exactly as it is private property.  Sorry....

Over the last two weeks we had some really good climbing days out here.  The days start out all sunny and warm.  Even when the morning temps are in the 30s the rock is warm and the atmosphere is comfortable.  As soon as the sun dips or you walk around the other side of the cliff the temp drops dramatically.  I managed to send an 8a route in a few tries (pic below) that Blake Cash had told me all about and how it's all vert and techy and barn door fighting on terrible feet.  DANG!  That sounds pretty rad right?  In the same time Blake had been trying hard on an 8b that he is VERY close on.  Any day now Blake, you will send.   I had the privilege to go up this route between his burns with all the beta readily available and I must say that it is one of the best.

Stay tuned for more.


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