Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Team USA

If you haven't heard, the south got a whole hell of a lot of snow.  Snow that is now frozen three days later after it was just beginning to melt.  This repeated scenario has left Chattanooga under a solid sheet of ice.  Word.  It's been fun, but oh man, my back and tailbone are killing me.  I must have moved 500lbs. of snow building this thing.

We called it the North Chatt Grand Prix.  I think this event was the first of it's kind.  Anthony, Kit, and I teamed up to build one kick ass luge track.  The downhill track started with an abrupt drop off the Savas start box straight into the first berm.  Kicking right, you hit a left facing Teresa Wood mogul.  And with plenty of speed now your eyes are watering as you bomb the next and biggest right facing berm.  Your momentum builds and the turn tightens.  SWOOSH!!!!!   Off the top you go, flying into the Crape Myrtle that is now in intensive care recovery this spring.  An ideal run would lead you around a gracefully left turning berm that heads straight into to the finish.  I think we won.  I'm not sure who won it for us, but we did it.

Just before all the snow hit I took it upon myself to motivate for a three day weekend of climbing outside  every day.  First up, was some hiking.  We found some cool shit too.  Check this out.

The crux on Ride the Lobster.

So then it was Saturday.  Rocktown was SOOOOO cold!  We couldn't stay warm really.  Wind can turn a pleasant 35 and sunny into an all out suffering.  I tried some projects and made some progress.  I can do all the moves on The Womb now, so I'm gonna try to do that thing here soon.  PJ!!!   That, Golden Harvest and Nitrous Oxide are pretty dope so IT'S ON!!!!  Sunday I drug Kit out of the house to come along with me to venture to the Ride the Lobster project.  I SENT!  WHOOO!!!  It was sooo cold too.  Kit didn't even climb.  Bummer.  Thanks for coming though man.  We were there way longer than expected too.  It came down to literally sending on the last try.

And now the week is in full effect as we are setting for the ABS Junior Regional here at Urban Rocks this Saturday.   It should be pretty killer as the problems are all looking really good.

Until next time.


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