Friday, October 11, 2013

Birthday bash

The 29th year has gripped me tightly and I can't shake it.  It's the morning after and I just had birthday cake and milk for breakfast.  No matter the number, I am younger than ever.  However, I seem to be a lot more responsible and accountable.  But isn't that what makes us young?   Being irresponsible and unaccountable?  oh well....

I'm hosting Mike Turner of Evolv Sports this week as we prepare for the Triple Crown festivities and visit some accounts in the area.  Being from So Cal he has a bit of a transition to deal with on the rock of the south.  Of course, I took him to LRC for a proper Southeastern  goo fest of a bouldering day in Oct...Tank tops and shorts were still too much...

No birthday sends this year.  We went out climbing at Deep Creek after a long day of travel and work. Yes, on my birthday we did work, I guess that's part of growing up.  I was trying this new route that just got sent last week.  It's on the left side of the Dungeon.  Starts under the horizontal roof and works through a series of tiered roofs toward the final crux lip turn.  I think I pulled my hamstring a little too pulling the low roof with a heel hook.  I blame it on countless hours in the car over the last two days.  

Now we are all geared up and ready to begin the Triple Crown Chattanooga and RiverRocks fistivities this weekend!  I love this time of year, when the whole southeastern climbing community comes together in one place for a good time.  Psyched to see all my friends!  


1 comment:

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